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hey there!
I’m Tonia
Business and teaching (and teaching about business) are part of my DNA.
I spent 25+ years working in the corporate world. During that time, I saw that men had plenty of role models and mentors. But women? Not so much.
That’s why I am passionately committed to mentoring women.
Stick around and I’ll teach you everything I know.
llisten to the podcast
Productive Entrepreneur Podcast
Tune in each week for my best tips on everything from content creation and marketing strategies to planning effectively and managing mindset issues – all in an effort to help you become more productive.
The Shop
the organized business toolbox
Courses & toolkits to help you:
- find the time to get the most important things done
- take control of your finances
- create a smart, actionable content plan
- create more balance between your work life and your personal life
- create a successful content promotion plan
- create a marketing calendar for your business
- create a workable business budget
- and SO much more!